terça-feira, novembro 13, 2007

problems and solutions

When confronted with a problem, step outside and look at it as if you´re someone who has no direct connection to the problem. For instance our planet, look as if your coming from outside. See the borders which make no sense at all. Look at what the system called capitalism does to the planet and its inhabitants: the pollution, the hunger, the stress. And imagine how it would be if you would have none of that. If human would just produce what is really needed and not all kinds of garbage in order to produce jobs and feed the marked. If all the resources would be distributed to everyone and none would have stooped amounts on their bank-accounts and no companies would grow so big that they destroy the marked for all the others and people could live their lives without constantly being afraid to lose jobs and status, fall under the poverty-line or be homeless and hungry or even die of cold or starvation.
In the system called nationalsozialismus about 50 million people where killed.
In the last couple of years about 40 000 people starved to death each day. To starve 50 million people takes 1250 days. That is a little more than 3 years. Hitler&co needed 12.
Not to mention how many people have died from other causes like pollution, stress or warfare linked to capitalism, meaning one nation or company or person is capitalising on some others nation or company or persons loss or annihilation.
In order to make a system work for everyone connected to the system, you would have to decide on a minimum and a maximum-income, depending on the momentary availability of resources in order to guarantee an ideal flow.
Now there is a constant flow to the top and from there very little flows back to the bottom. Energy from the earth is taken and transformed through human effort into abstract energy(money)that is stored on banks and does not flow back into the earth. It is technically speaking a very difficult thing to transform the abstract energy back into the natural resource it once was.
But still there is enough left and if people would put effort into it, it would be easy to feed, shelter, healthcare and educate the whole population of this planet.

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